Photographing Fireworks For the First Time

By 10:12 PM

I used: Canon T5i, 55-250 IS ii, ISO 100, F/11, 1"6 (Manual mode) & on manual focus for all my photos. I didn't want to play around with the settings because the show was going by quick & I didn't want to miss anything! 
I brought: A charged battery, shutter remote, light tripod, and of course my camera! 

I was actually really nervous because I usually just keep my camera on Auto mode unless I'm taking shots where the lighting isn't great. And I'd just bought the shutter remote a couple days before so I didn't have much experience with timing. But after watching YouTube & reading some articles, I felt ready to try it out!

The main things I learned about taking firework photos was that your aperture should be b/t F/8-F/11, you need a low ISO like 100 with at least a 1-2 second shutter speed.
A couple things I regret are 1. Not using my a wider lens & 2. Timing the photos better. 

While some photos turned out great, some of them ended up like this!
(Kind of looks like lighting or a video game...weird?!?)

But I took some quick photos & then I put my camera on video mode for the rest of the show so that I could enjoy the fireworks!

My family +Ryan went to the Woodlands this year for the 4th of July. We sat next to the lake where we had the best view! We dipped our feet in the water & the firework show was directly in front of us. (My favorite fireworks are the gold ones that stream down!)

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  1. These photos are sooooo good!!
